Silver clay pagan-themed!

Karen and Debbie visited me on Sunday for a Enamelling on Silver Clay class. They are both Pagans and wanted to used the jewellery session to make something really special celebrating this. They had very specific design ideas. which we talked about and then tried out in play dough, finally we crafted them in silver and enamelled them. I think they both did a fantastic job.

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Dates and Mini Summer school

IMG_20150510_125045645So I have a had a busy day just doing admin, following up on craft enquiries, finalising dates with venues and organising my mini summer school. Looking forward to getting back in the studio to make! Here are the dates of the Mini Summer school and if you look on the external venue dates you’ll see more classes added here too.




M I N I   S U M M E R   S C H O O L   2 0 1 6

Fri 12th August – Making glass beads day

10 – 12pm -Flamework taster session/recap – £35

1 – 4pm – Flamework – introduction to sculpted animals – make an owl, pig etc. £55

Essential that you’ve attended a beginners Flamework class to join this one.

Saturday 13th August – Feltmaking

10 – 3.30pm  – Feltmaking day: needle, wet and an intro to nuno felting. £69

Sunday 14th August – Encaustic Art

10 – 3.30pm – Encaustic Art Day. Covering various techniques used to paint with molten wax:  using irons, stylus and hot air techniques.                   £69

To book simply email me/facebook message and I’ll give you details.