Silver clay is magical stuff, it comes in a little mouldable pouch which can be made into stunning ‘hallmarkable’ grade fine silver jewellery; using various tools and textures, once dry it can be fired in a kiln, using a butane torch or even on a gas stove. The binder burns away and the finished result is PURE silver!
Bee on honeycomb Earrings made for a student’s wife Clay drying out pre-firing Torch firing silver clay Polishing silver
It is really as simple as that but it isn’t the cheapest product to use – due to the silver content – so I find students like to come along and have their first go under guidance. They can go away immediately with something wearable. I can show you tips to finish and polish work so that it comes out just as you want it.
Silver jewellery made by students on my Flatford Mill class Bee on honeycomb Silver leaves made by student Syringe clay work by student using a template
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Follow up classes
Jewellery using the syringe and sheet clay
This class gives you the opportunity to try out syringe and sheet clay which like the patties of clay still produce fine silver once fired.
Syringe clay work Fired syringe clay and clay sheet (quilled) work Silver clay ring made by a student Wedding rings made by students Student’s (wedding) rings
Silver Clay Rings Class
I also offer a Silver ring class, which takes a bit longer than the beginners class as it takes time to make strong joins. You can really go to town on textures and add embellishments too. Email me to book a date.