Keep learning (me too)

It has been some time since I have written an update, so first I am going to give you some dates for 2025 and then there’s a quick whistle tour as to why I have been so busy.

January – Seasons Art Classes – Tiptree Community Centre
14 week classes Mondays 10 -1 pm or 2 – 5pm
OR Wednesdays 10 – 1pm.
14 weeks starting 6th or 8th January 2025.
Contact for more details: 01621 818593
Or look at the Facebook page

The Seasons Art Classes – Tiptree and Witham classes have now progressed to 2 days of teaching which is lovely. Our new course starts on 6th January and will take you through a journey from drawing, to oil pastels, to watercolour to acrylics. It is a lovely learning community with beginners and those who just want to set aside time to do art.

CG Crafts

As it has been such a busy year I haven’t done so many classes at home but I have now added the following dates for Spring and as always am happy to tailor classes and look at dates to suit.

15th March – Enamelled Jewellery for Beginners. 10 – 3pm

22nd March – Silver Clay Jewellery for Beginners. 10 – 3pm

26th April – Silver Clay Leaf Jewellery. 10 – 4pm

10th May – Silver Bypass ring using Sterling silver clay – 10 – 4pm

24th May – Enamelled Jewellery for Beginners and beyond. 10 – 3pm

7th June – Make Stud earrings – use a combination of silver clay and traditional silversmithing to make stud earrings.

21st June – Enamelled jewellery – expand your skills. 10 – 3pm

Book here (or buy craft vouchers and organise a date to suit). Or Email me to organise a tailored class

Watershed Studio

I am continuing to teach at Watershed Studios in St Osyth – Book here

8th March – Silver Clay for Beginners

19th July – Feltmaking – creating felt with a ball to make 3D bowls.

18th October – Creating Silver clay keepsake jewellery


One of the reasons I have been so busy is that the ACL courses have now progressed to Colchester as well as Basildon – unfortunately, as these are accredited courses, they do suck up quite a bit of admin time so it has left little time for me to do other things. This has been a steep learning curve for me in terms of writing a 14 week class, meeting unit criteria and collating evidence for the examining board. I’m working on ways to rectify this. 🙂

At The Bench Academy
I’m learning too. I have started a Silversmithing diploma with At The Bench, which is a really great course, I’m learning how to do things such as piercing and soldering properly, which I hope to help me inform you with your design choices in the Silver clay classes – for example adding soldering to make stud earrings,

So all this adds up to little time to do admin. Ahh well. What have you been learning this year? What do you hope to learn in 2025.

Well that wasn’t what I was expecting!

I thought once the girls went back to school I’d be able to get on with everything again. Ha! Covid hit home with 2 positive test results, conveniently 2 weeks apart so it left us with a month of isolation. Fortunately, no one was too ill but it has meant another batch of postponed classes, lost income and admin hassles! Oh dear, get out the violins.
On a positive note, it has meant I have been able to work on my Camp PMC 103 – Soldering and fusing class (pictures below). So I am now much happier with my soldering skills and look forward to incorporating those into classes in the future.
Once half term is over I’ll update you on course dates and things planned for the next few months. Can’t believe we are at this end of the year already! Don’t forget craft class gift vouchers make great presents so do get in touch if you are interested in buying one for this class or any others that I offer: Enamelling, Felt making, Flamework, Silver clay and Encaustic art. Do get in touch to find out more.

More magical silver clay dates added

It’s always the same – where did January go? Although this year I can admit to having decorated my bedroom, which is something I can attribute to that ghastly month. Now almost back on track I’ve started by adding more silver clay dates, which can be booked here. Silver clay is a wonderful way to create a unique piece of treasured jewellery in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional silversmithing, the silver is hallmarkable so no need to compromise on quality. It’s great fun to come with a friend and I offer a discount on the price per person if you do so. Classes in Colchester, dates to suit if those on here do not! Email me for more details.

True love earrings – £21.50

Silver clay magic (classes)

I have been teaching students how to make pure silver jewellery using silver clay for several years now and yet the magic of it never fails to astonish me. I don’t know if it is the versatility of the clay – I love it when students challenge me by saying “Oh I thought I might try to make a….” Generally I am able to find a way to help them achieve this, or perhaps it is just the fact that as you work with the clay it can be difficult to comprehend that it will be PURE silver once fired. I love it when my students do a final polish after firing and say ” Wow it really is silver!” If you’d like to take part in a class, I have added a lot more dates to the website – as it is proving to be very popular this year. My £10 off until June is still running and don’t forget if 2 or more book (my workhshop can only take 3) I will reduce the cost per person. I can come out to larger groups too. My garden workshop os based in Colchester, Essex. These pictures show just a few things my beginner students have made…what would you make?