I thought once the girls went back to school I’d be able to get on with everything again. Ha! Covid hit home with 2 positive test results, conveniently 2 weeks apart so it left us with a month of isolation. Fortunately, no one was too ill but it has meant another batch of postponed classes, lost income and admin hassles! Oh dear, get out the violins.
On a positive note, it has meant I have been able to work on my Camp PMC 103 – Soldering and fusing class (pictures below). So I am now much happier with my soldering skills and look forward to incorporating those into classes in the future.
Once half term is over I’ll update you on course dates and things planned for the next few months. Can’t believe we are at this end of the year already! Don’t forget craft class gift vouchers make great presents so do get in touch if you are interested in buying one for this class or any others that I offer: Enamelling, Felt making, Flamework, Silver clay and Encaustic art. Do get in touch to find out more.