Summer is here…or is it?

Well it’s certainly warm isn’t it?

As usual, I have had all these plans to write a regular blog and they all go out the window as time evaporates around me.

This last year has been so busy trying to navigate teaching accredited classes for the ACL (19+ education – what a lot of people know as the old adult evening classes). I have learnt how to write a scheme of work for Silver Clay, administer evidence for the examiner and tackle the admin that goes hand in hand with teaching at a college – it’s been most time-consuming. Plus then all the usual prep that goes into writing lesson plans and preparing examples…still I survived. Plus my eldest daughter, Harriet has been doing her GCSEs and that has been stressful (although she works really hard, I just felt like I was taking the exams with her).

The new courses for the ACL are now online. I have a Tuesday day class in Basildon which is the Level 1 in Silver Clay and a Thursday day class in Colchester also a level 1 class in Silver Clay – if you search the ACL website for Silver clay they should come up with the following course codes:

Basildon link

Colchester Link

I will also be running a mindfulness art class running in Basildon on a Tuesday evening – more info as I find out.

The Seasons art classes have moved to a new location this term and once more we are on the move! Hopefully to a more comfortable location at Tiptree Community Centre, where we can offer tea and cake and lots of art. The new term will start on 2nd September or 4th September. They are 3 hour classes and the 14 week term includes drawing, oil pastels, watercolour, acrylic, mount work and an exhibition. To book for our classes contact 01621 8181593 mention that you’ve got the details from this website an that you’d like to book the Tiptree class., or take a look at this Facebook link

Toni’s one-to-one classes

My tailored classes are still running in my garden workshop. I offer dates to suit and can offer a discount per person if more that one person books. If you are interested in learning, or building on your skills in any of the following, do get in touch:


Silver Jewellery (silver clay)

Encaustic art


Making glass beads

Other venues

I also have a few classes booked elsewhere.

Watershed studios, St Osyth – 01255 820466

Tuesday 13th August – Silver Clay jewellery at the lovely Watershed studio

Saturday 5th October – Enamelled Jewellery and kiln fired pictures at Watershed studio

That’s all for now with my updates. I’ll soon be blogging about my Silversmithing diploma, which I am starting in September, run by At the Bench Academy, I can’t wait to get started but I really do need to find that time machine to make sure I have the opportunity to fit everything in.

Meanwhile, I’m planning to have lots of fun with my girls over the summer, visiting friends, camping, and not thinking about those exam results.

What plans do you have for summer?

Hope to see you soon, Toni

Off to the fair!

Well, it’s been a funny old year so far. Sadly my mother-in-law died in February and this week was her funeral – those of you that frequent craft fairs will probably have met Jenny with her ‘Bags to Colour’. Later in the year her sister Sherrie, daughter Lou, nieces and granddaughters will be running a stand at Clare Priory in her memory and raising money for some of the cancer charities which helped her. I’ll post more about that nearer the time but given how time is flying that could be the week before it happens!

We’ve also had a missing cat (fortunately he came back within 24 hours) and my eldest daughter fractured her wrist just before she was to do two guitar performances… she took up left-handed tambourining (is that a word) instead…craziness is the new normality.

Speaking of normality I’m actually of to ExCel London tomorrow for the Creative Craft Show. I’ll be helping run the ‘have a go’ sessions with the Guild of Enamellers, so if you are at the event pop along and have a go. We’re in Halls S7 stand A25. I’ll post some pictures on social media tomorrow.

Don’t forget the usual classes are available to book here. I’m always happy to have a chat about tailoring dates and classes for you, for example this year I’ve run a silver clay class for a group in the host’s lovely home, ran a silver clay class for a group of 10 ladies celebrating a 40th birthday in a cottage hired for the weekend, and I am just planning a felt making session for a family. I now teach a weekly art session for a dementia group which features in some of the pictures below, as well as my more usual classes for adult creatives.

Pictures from recent sessions.

Happy Crafting, Toni

Still I wonder where the time has gone

This year has been a strange one for all of us. We’ve all been hit in different ways and it’s important to acknowledge this rather than simply ignore it and hope it goes away.

However we do need to take our minds off things and that is where I find doing something creative really helps. I’m not going to hark on to much but do remember a craft class does make a great present and something nice to look forward to in 2021! You can book vouchers here.

I’ve also updated my Etsy shop so if you fancy buying some unique jewellery (and greetings cards) do take a look.

Finally, if you are an enameller, I have just uploaded a little video to my Youtube channel showing you how to remove fired enamel (Pam East solution that I have meant to get around to trying for a while).

Enjoy and keep well folks.

Creativity Update

Ready for learning

Getting the tools ready

Well it has been some time since I last blogged. I think like quite a lot of people, I lost my way sometime in lockdown and am slowly coming to terms with how this new World currently looks, including getting back to running my small business and getting my children into school. Still there are plenty of positives. My workshop is now happily saying hello to students again. I have visors, disinfectant etc, and am always happy to discuss any of your Covid concerns before you book a visit – although I may not be able to help with the furlough scheme, sorry about that.

What has changed

Some of my course fees may have changed as I look at options for advertising them. However, this is not all bad news. If you wish to book a tailored class with me and do this by contacting me directly this cuts down on my advertising costs and I like to reward word of mouth and loyalty! Email me if you want to book follow on classes, themed classes, dates to suit etc. I love doing those anyway and it gives me a chance to see if some themes would work for my regular classes.

Dates coming up soon
I continue to teach classes here at CG Craft Colchester – mainly with dates to suit to keep numbers (and households) to a minimum so contact me to organise a date. I am currently working through the PMC (Silver clay) Certification levels 1 – 3 so have some new tricks to teach you as well as plenty of enamelling techniques, felting, encaustic art and flamework (glass rings) lessons for you to try. Email I have even printed my first greeting card collection which is on sale at the gallery shop at EJ Art,Woodbridge and also Pink Giraffe Pottery, Great Bentley. I also hope to add them online soon.

EJ Art, Woodbridge
Enamelling on Silver Clay – 2-part class 1st and 8th October – 10 – 1pm. Create a piece with recesses or texture to enamel. Book here
Silver paste leaf and coiled jewellery using silver clay sheet – This was a 3-part class (part one has been but it’s ok to still join us at a slightly reduced fee for part 2 (31st Nov) and part 3 (14th November). 10 – 12.30 Enquire

Coiled jewellery from silver clay sheet
Coiled jewellery from silver clay sheet

FSC Flatford Mill

Jewellery weekend at FSC Flatford Mill
My annual jewellery weekend class which includes Enamelling and silver clay over a weekend runs on 4th to 6th December. This is a great way to socialise and pick up lots of skills over a relaxed weekend – I say relaxed we do make a lot of jewellery. Book here

• (Christmas) Feltmaking at FSC Flatford Mill

12th December. 9.30 to 4pm.
To be fair although Christmas is in the title, I am happy just to teach you feltmaking – needle and wet felting. You can make a Spring Wreath; a needle felted animal or simply learn how to wet felt a picture. Book here


If you have an outstanding gift voucher, or indeed want to book one for ….. the dreaded word a Christmas present. Do get in touch. As my home workshop only fits about 3 people and I am offering one to one (I really am great value 🙂 ) or a joint booking with your own approved bubble (i.e Family or friends) you can rest assured you are not going to mix with a lot of people in these classes and I am happy to put in any further measures (within reason) to help make you feel secure. If you want to hold on to your voucher to use at a later date, that is also of course fine – do get in touch as we may be able to pencil in a date for 2021 – it helps with my course planning but of course you will not be held to that date if the situation changes.

I look foward to seeing some familiar (and new) faces again very soon. Keep well and safe.

Craft fairs and gift vouchers

Just to remind you that I will be at the following Christmas Fairs in the next week, where you will be able to buy unique jewellery and other items all made by me, as well as gift vouchers to use in classes. Everyone says they’d like to support small, local businesses, this is a perfect chance to do so!

• Colchester United Sports Stadium Events Christmas Fair – Sunday 1st December 10 – 4pm
• Fennes Christmas Market, Fennes, Fennes Road. Bocking, CM7 5PL – Weds 4th December. 3.30pm to 8pm

If you can’t make it do get in touch as I am happy to organise vouchers for you, or I can invite you over to take a look at what I have on offer. You can also purchase vouchers and classes online, or go to my Etsy shop to buy some of my handcrafted items. Many thanks, Toni

What’s been happening and what’s coming up

Once again it has been a busy few months here at CG Crafts, catching up after the summer holidays and now getting ready for (gasp) Christmas! I thought I’d share some photos of what recent students have made and also list the next few events coming up…I am nervously revisiting craft fairs this year, so it would be wonderful to see some friendly faces there! If not there, perhaps you can buy me a wine afterwards to help me recover!!

Student’s enamelled pieces made at FSC Flatford Mill

Student’s enamelled pieces made at FSC Flatford Mill

Student enamelling at CG Crafts

Student’s felted picture made here at CG Crafts (wet and needlefelting)

Student’s silver clay pieces made at FSC Flatford Mill

Student’s silver clay pieces made at Simply Handmade

What’s coming up

TONI PEERS – CG Crafts  

Email:   Mobile: 07847098849

 Christmas Fairs

  • Colchester Bazaar, Firstsite – Sat 16th Nov. 21st Dec. 10.30 – 3.30pm
  • Colchester WIGS fair – Weds 6th Nov Wilson Marriage. 7.30 to 9.30pm
  • Fennes Christmas Market, Fennes, Fennes Road. Bocking, CM7 5PL – Weds 4th December. 3.30pm to 8pm
  • Colchester United Sports Stadium Events Christmas Fair – Sunday 1st December 10 – 4pm

2019 Classes at CG Crafts (you can also book dates to suit)

  • Sat 9th November – Enamelled Jewellery – £85 I space left
  • Weds 13th Nov – Making felt – Christmas wreaths & decorations £85
  • Sat 23rd Nov – Enamelling Beginners/Improvers – £85
  • Weds 27th Nov – Silver Clay (10 to 2pm) – £85
  • Sat 7th Dec – Enamelled Jewellery – £85

Classes at FSC Flatford Mill (01206 297110) (Book directly with venue)

  • 8th December 2019Christmas Feltmaking
  • 13th December 2019 – Enamelled Jewellery and Decorative items

2020 dates

  • 13 – 15th March – Enamelling weekend
  • Sat 6th June – Silver clay day incl syringe or sheet clay
  • Sun 7th June – Encaustic art day – beginners and improvers
  • 4- 6th Dec – Jewellery making weekend (silver clay and Enamelling)
  • 12th Dec – Feltmaking – Christmas decorations or presents


New venue EJARt, Woodbridge IP13 6HN. 01473 735007.

Fri 29th Nov – Encaustic art

Sat 30th November – Silver Clay Jewellery (Christmas Theme)

Tues 3rd Dec – Enamelling

2020 info

Lots more info about classes and how to book dates to suit on my website. I also sell class gift vouchers, which are great for you or a friend for Christmas or birthdays! Book online at or email me for details.

More magical silver clay dates added

It’s always the same – where did January go? Although this year I can admit to having decorated my bedroom, which is something I can attribute to that ghastly month. Now almost back on track I’ve started by adding more silver clay dates, which can be booked here. Silver clay is a wonderful way to create a unique piece of treasured jewellery in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional silversmithing, the silver is hallmarkable so no need to compromise on quality. It’s great fun to come with a friend and I offer a discount on the price per person if you do so. Classes in Colchester, dates to suit if those on here do not! Email me for more details.

True love earrings – £21.50

October already

Once again time has flown by and what was supposed to be a regular blog post is now a couple of months behind. In my defense we have been having a fabulous summer visiting umpteen castles, fighting dinosaurs, crafting, camping and having adventures. Then year 6 kicked in (first trip away from home, 11+, secondary school visits). Finally this week I feel like I am getting back to my to do’s to do list!

Photos from recent classes

Flamework – making glass beads class

Enamelling class

Needlefelting class

So I thought I would start by sharing the news that I am now a calendar girl – in case you’ve missed the announcement and red carpet affair!  I am really delighted to announce that my work was successfully submitted and I am now Miss December in the new PMC Studio Calendar 2019! Here’s a sneaky peak but don’t worry all work is appropriately dressed! 🙂 Copies can be obtained from The PMC Studio …or I think it might be available with an order if you buy your silver clay from them.

Speaking of calendars

Sssshhhh – Christmas is coming….

As it is getting to that time in the year when people start thinking about presents…oh yes! I just wanted to remind you that I offer craft courses vouchers, so if you are stuck for a Christmas present idea… you can either book on my website, or contact me directly. Either way I will send you a personalised gift letter with details of the chosen class and how to book a date to suit. Or perhaps you’d like to suggest to someone what class you’d like to take…

Classes are available in the following crafts – prices vary depending on whether you are booking a class for 1 or 2 but range from around £55 for a half day (Felt or Encaustic art) to £125 for a silver clay rings class. Do email me regarding prices.

Silver clay: Beginners. Rings. Using Syringe and silver sheet clay

Enamelling: Beginners and Further techniques, including cloisonne

Flamework beads: Making glass beads. Beginners and follow ups including sculptural animals.

Encaustic art: Beginners

Feltmaking: Wet felting. Needlefelting or both.

I can also do a general gift letter detailing what is available if you aren’t sure what a person would pick – I can do shorter taster classes if necessary.

What’s coming up at Curly Girly Crafts

I have a busy few months coming up with weekends virtually all booked here at CG Crafts until Christmas. Below are details of venues/classes with some availability.

  • If you live in the Sudbury Area I am teaching Enamelling on Sunday 21st October at Simply Handmade –
    book here
  • I will be helping the Guild of Enamellers again at ExCel during the Hobbycraft show in November – I think it runs from 15th to 17th November and I will be there on Friday 16th, come and say hello – the 30 minute taster session is only about £5!
  • Saturday 24th November and Saturday 15th December are currently free for students to book a class – get in touch if you fancy a Saturday class in any of the crafts I offer.
  • I am teaching at FSC Flatford Mill on 1st (Enamelling) and 2nd December (Christmas Feltmaking) – Booking page
  • I also offer weekdays for classes so get in touch if you’d like to book a date to suit – usually Tuesday, Thursdays or Fridays are best.  Price per person is reduced if more than one person comes.

And finally…I am doing a little bit of learning myself this term. I have just enrolled in pottery.  I’ll let you know how that goes.

Happy crafting and if you have any questions please do get in touch.




Book a Craft Class for that last minute winning gift!

It’s still not too late to book a craft experience voucher with me for a Christmas gift – prices range from £50 upwards depending on the course and duration – all are detailed on my website. A craft experience is a fabulous gift for any crafty friend or family member, especially as they will take something home that they’ve made as well as picking up a new skill, all organised at dates to suit them.

These classes are available:

Enamelling (glass jewellery)

Flamework (making glass beads)

Feltmaking (needle and wet felting)

Encaustic art (painting with molten wax)

Silver clay (making pure silver jewellery).

Payment can be made in the following ways. You can pay online at via Paypal. I can send you an izettle invoice to be paid by card.  Or via bank transfer. Once paid I will email over a gift letter detailing exactly what they will learn in a class and how to book a date to suit.  Don’t forget to give me the details of who the gift is for and who is sending it so that this can be included in the personalised letter.  What are you waiting for?

Where does the time go?

I am always amazed at how quickly time flies, especially at this time of year. One minute we are settling the children in after the summer holidays and the next minute, the planning for our families November birthdays and then Christmas events galore…it seems only moments ago I thought I had ages to get my prototypes made for Christmas fairs…to be fair for once I have actually made some Christmas themed jewellery but never in the amount I was planning….ah well there’s always next year!

I thought I’d share a few photos from some recent classes/events with you.

Last week I taught at the beautiful Flatford Mill (Constable country), we did a full day of Encaustic art and these are some of the resulting pictures. For next year’s classes at Flatford Mill see their website.

I also helped run some taster sessions at the Craft event at ExCel London, last Friday, resulting in some lovely enamelled pieces.

Plus there’s the classes in my garden workshop, recently I have done some Encaustic classes as well as a tailoring a class to a request for enamelling on silver clay and embedding stones.   I really love the clock, which was made using a mould and an old piece of costume jewellery.

Don’t forget all of these classes can be booked either on my website or by emailing me so that we can tailor dates and times to suit. Prices per person are reduced the more people that attend, a perfect excuse to bring a friend or two.  Gift vouchers are also available directly from me – I write you a gift letter, detailing the class and how to book.