
You can sign up to my mailing list to get up to date class info and subscriber discounts as well as hearing more about my experiments and discoveries.

I know I won’t be the only one who has spent a great deal of the last year building on existing skills or learning new ones. Creativity is something that can really keep you going at the best of times and most especially now. It has also given me time to have a think about offering themed classes or classes focusing on a specific technique, which I do to a certain extent but I think I need to be clearer about it! Haha she says as she waffles along.
I’m going to post some photos of work I have been doing with @pmcstudio as part of my silver clay certification, some of which I already offer but have learn some extra tips for you. Do let me know which techniques particularly intrigue you, or what others you might like to learn. Some of the classes may be taught online (I am offering a few via @ejartcreative at the moment). Later in the year I hope to be able to tell you more about Camp PMC 101 which I hope to be able to teach soon.

I am also learning papercutting (pictured is a great kit by @KatySuedesigns but I am working on some basic ideas for a class for those who need to be guided a little more and this will be @watershedstudio later in the year (hopefully).

I know some techniques get people really excited, whereas others they can take or leave, so it would be really great to get some feedback.

I’ll tell you a little more about dates etc in my newsletter. If you’d like to sign up do get in touch.

Keep safe and creative.


Hooray it’s February

How are you handling the continued (and necessary) restrictions?
My go to is always learning. I have continued with my PMC certification and am now building on that with #PMCCamp101, which is new to the UK. It is effectively a course to teach you all the techniques that Mitsubishi (the makers of PMC) think cover the phenomenon that is silver clay, this includes carving, applying patina, using moulds, embedding stones, and lots of other techiques. I will be sharing my makes over the next few weeks (we have a short deadline).

If you live in the Havering area and have access to the Community Hub the classes I run for #TapestryCare have just started up again – this week we dabbled with watercolour. Learning the ins and outs of zoom is not something I am alone in achieving this year. As a family we had 5 scheduled Zooms in one day last week with one I had to watch on catchup later!

I’m still writing my 100 worder stories which can be heard weekly on Colne FM – Bill’s Bag of Onions, so if you want to tune in for some evening entertainment click here.
Right I’d best get back to some work, these courses don’t teach themselves.
Let’s hope Spring is on it’s way. If you have any questions about zoom classes, PMC Certification or any of the classes I teach, do get in touch.
Keep well. Toni x

Still I wonder where the time has gone

This year has been a strange one for all of us. We’ve all been hit in different ways and it’s important to acknowledge this rather than simply ignore it and hope it goes away.

However we do need to take our minds off things and that is where I find doing something creative really helps. I’m not going to hark on to much but do remember a craft class does make a great present and something nice to look forward to in 2021! You can book vouchers here.

I’ve also updated my Etsy shop so if you fancy buying some unique jewellery (and greetings cards) do take a look.

Finally, if you are an enameller, I have just uploaded a little video to my Youtube channel showing you how to remove fired enamel (Pam East solution that I have meant to get around to trying for a while).

Enjoy and keep well folks.

What’s been happening and what’s coming up

Once again it has been a busy few months here at CG Crafts, catching up after the summer holidays and now getting ready for (gasp) Christmas! I thought I’d share some photos of what recent students have made and also list the next few events coming up…I am nervously revisiting craft fairs this year, so it would be wonderful to see some friendly faces there! If not there, perhaps you can buy me a wine afterwards to help me recover!!

Student’s enamelled pieces made at FSC Flatford Mill

Student’s enamelled pieces made at FSC Flatford Mill

Student enamelling at CG Crafts

Student’s felted picture made here at CG Crafts (wet and needlefelting)

Student’s silver clay pieces made at FSC Flatford Mill

Student’s silver clay pieces made at Simply Handmade

What’s coming up

TONI PEERS – CG Crafts  

Email:   Mobile: 07847098849

 Christmas Fairs

  • Colchester Bazaar, Firstsite – Sat 16th Nov. 21st Dec. 10.30 – 3.30pm
  • Colchester WIGS fair – Weds 6th Nov Wilson Marriage. 7.30 to 9.30pm
  • Fennes Christmas Market, Fennes, Fennes Road. Bocking, CM7 5PL – Weds 4th December. 3.30pm to 8pm
  • Colchester United Sports Stadium Events Christmas Fair – Sunday 1st December 10 – 4pm

2019 Classes at CG Crafts (you can also book dates to suit)

  • Sat 9th November – Enamelled Jewellery – £85 I space left
  • Weds 13th Nov – Making felt – Christmas wreaths & decorations £85
  • Sat 23rd Nov – Enamelling Beginners/Improvers – £85
  • Weds 27th Nov – Silver Clay (10 to 2pm) – £85
  • Sat 7th Dec – Enamelled Jewellery – £85

Classes at FSC Flatford Mill (01206 297110) (Book directly with venue)

  • 8th December 2019Christmas Feltmaking
  • 13th December 2019 – Enamelled Jewellery and Decorative items

2020 dates

  • 13 – 15th March – Enamelling weekend
  • Sat 6th June – Silver clay day incl syringe or sheet clay
  • Sun 7th June – Encaustic art day – beginners and improvers
  • 4- 6th Dec – Jewellery making weekend (silver clay and Enamelling)
  • 12th Dec – Feltmaking – Christmas decorations or presents


New venue EJARt, Woodbridge IP13 6HN. 01473 735007.

Fri 29th Nov – Encaustic art

Sat 30th November – Silver Clay Jewellery (Christmas Theme)

Tues 3rd Dec – Enamelling

2020 info

Lots more info about classes and how to book dates to suit on my website. I also sell class gift vouchers, which are great for you or a friend for Christmas or birthdays! Book online at or email me for details.