How are you handling the continued (and necessary) restrictions?
My go to is always learning. I have continued with my PMC certification and am now building on that with #PMCCamp101, which is new to the UK. It is effectively a course to teach you all the techniques that Mitsubishi (the makers of PMC) think cover the phenomenon that is silver clay, this includes carving, applying patina, using moulds, embedding stones, and lots of other techiques. I will be sharing my makes over the next few weeks (we have a short deadline).
If you live in the Havering area and have access to the Community Hub the classes I run for #TapestryCare have just started up again – this week we dabbled with watercolour. Learning the ins and outs of zoom is not something I am alone in achieving this year. As a family we had 5 scheduled Zooms in one day last week with one I had to watch on catchup later!
I’m still writing my 100 worder stories which can be heard weekly on Colne FM – Bill’s Bag of Onions, so if you want to tune in for some evening entertainment click here.
Right I’d best get back to some work, these courses don’t teach themselves.
Let’s hope Spring is on it’s way. If you have any questions about zoom classes, PMC Certification or any of the classes I teach, do get in touch.
Keep well. Toni x
Preparing for watercolour class @tapestrycareltd Quilled silver pieces for PMC Certification @pmcstudio How I test designs for PMC Certification. My feline assistant, Roui. Learning about papercutting using a wonderful kit from @Katysuedesigns