It’s been a challenging year again for all of us with isolation together and then lots of isolation apart but in between, we’ve managed to squeeze in some fun. I’ve also added to my skills by successfully completing the Camp PMC 101 class at the beginning of the year and the PMC Soldering and fusing class towards the end of this year and I hope to add elements of both those classes into what I offer next year.
Thank you to all my students who came and had a creative session with me this year – the photos show just a few of the wonderful pieces that were made in classes. I also taught more art this year for regular groups and that has been a steep but enjoyable learning curve – I am now obsessed with buying art supplies as well as all my usual crafting items.
Finally, if you’d like to book a class voucher for Christmas, there is still time. I can email a gift letter out to you as late as Christmas eve. Do email me for more details.
Have a restful and healthy festive break I look forward to starting more creative journeys with you in 2022.
Silver clay class Some from classes run this eyar Encaustic Ironing Flamework Enamelling Enamelling