I’ve become a bit more choosy about where I teach over the last few years. It’s got to be beneficial to my students in some way, or there is little point in me loading all my boxes into the car and driving somewhere else I may as well teach my small tailored classes in my garden workshop – those that have seen me pack up at the end of the day know exactly how many boxes I need to load up! One such worthy venue is Simply Handmade based at the Woodhall Business Park in Sudbury. It’s run by Debbi and Colin and Simply the dog who have a lovely premises which is full of colour, lovely handcrafted items for sale and garments awaiting adjustments. Included with your course is a freshly made lunch and a genuinely friendly environment. Oh and there’s lots of parking too. coming up soon is Enamelling (16th March), Silver Clay (20th July) and Encaustic art classes (11th May). All are now available to book on the Simply Handmade website – click on the links above to go directly to those classes. There is plenty on offer, I might have even booked on some of their classes myself.

Enamelling Classes