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Classes to March 2022
Eek! Busy behind the scenes trying to get dates sorted and generally confusing myself left, right and centre. Don’t forget a booked class or voucher makes a great gift, it’s a day out and something made is something treasured (hopefully).
Once I am less confused I will post more about what I have been up to.
Saturday 22nd January – Beginner’s Silver Clay @ EJart
Thurs 10th Feb – @ EJart TBA
Tuesday 22nd Feb – Encaustic art @ CG Crafts
Thursday 24th Feb – Silver Clay Jewellery at the Sunshine Room – Pin Mill
PMC Silver Clay Camp 101 class – 4 weeks, 5 projects – Thursday 3rd March, 10th March, 17th March, 14th March
Fri 4th March – Flamework @ CG Crafts
Sat 5th March – Private Class
Tues 8th March – Flamework @ CG Crafts
Fri 11th March – Silver Clay Jewellery @ CG Crafts
Sat 12th March Enamelling @ CG Crafts – SOLD OUT
Tuesday 15th March – Enamelling @ Watershed Studio, St Osyth
Friday 18th March – Enamelling @ CG Crafts
Sat 19th March – @ Ejart TBA
Sunday 20th March – Flamework @ CG Crafts
Friday 25th March – Silver Clay @ CG Crafts
Sat 26th March – Encaustic Art @ CG Crafts
I also teach feltmaking.
Get in touch for more info about any of the classes.
Live summer crafting event with ICHF
I’m very excited to be trying a Facebook live event this weekend with ICHF – book here.
From 12 – 2pm on Saturday 10th July, I am going to be myth busting Encaustic art. What do I mean by that? Well I just want to give you some ideas about how versatile and vibrant it is as an artform. Of how it can be used in conjunction with many different crafts and tools that you already do or have. It is also a great artform in its own right. I like using it for mixed media work and sell my watercolour/encaustic art work in the form of printed cards.
Like everything else, skill level depends on how much you practice and you’ll find your own style but it is really satisfying for the absolute beginner too – the artwork being dry in moments. I’m going to demo at least 6 different things in my two hour slot.
So grab yourself a cuppa to watch, or if you want to join in you’ll need a travel iron, non absorbant card, encaustic waxes, backing paper and tissues. I will also have my heated stylus out and some rubber stamps. All supplies can be purchased from Michael Bosson (my original teacher and the master of UK Encaustic art as we know it) at Arts encaustic ltd – mention me if you order as it would be really useful to know how many people took the plunge after the session.
Lessons coming up – I generally teach in Essex and Suffolk and also on zoom by request
I am doing two short classes in August (Sat 14th and Thursday 19th) at EjartCreative in Woodbridge, Suffolk – book here
I also run regular small classes in my workshop in Colchester, Essex – you can book dates here, or contact me to arrange a date to suit.
I hope the tech all works smoothly and my demos help you to get a flavour of the fun and creativity you can unleash when doing Encaustic art. Thanks, Toni
Classes at other venues
I’ve become a bit more choosy about where I teach over the last few years. It’s got to be beneficial to my students in some way, or there is little point in me loading all my boxes into the car and driving somewhere else I may as well teach my small tailored classes in my garden workshop – those that have seen me pack up at the end of the day know exactly how many boxes I need to load up! One such worthy venue is Simply Handmade based at the Woodhall Business Park in Sudbury. It’s run by Debbi and Colin and Simply the dog who have a lovely premises which is full of colour, lovely handcrafted items for sale and garments awaiting adjustments. Included with your course is a freshly made lunch and a genuinely friendly environment. Oh and there’s lots of parking too. coming up soon is Enamelling (16th March), Silver Clay (20th July) and Encaustic art classes (11th May). All are now available to book on the Simply Handmade website – click on the links above to go directly to those classes. There is plenty on offer, I might have even booked on some of their classes myself.

Enamelling Classes