Wishing you well during unsettled times

I just wanted to wish all my fellow crafters a well, safe and creative time during this difficult period.

If you have a class booked and I haven’t already messaged you, please accept my apologies for not getting in touch but obviously given the current lockdown I will be out of action for a couple of months at least. I will postpone anything booked and we’ll reschedule dates as soon as it’s safe to do so. If you are interested in classes, I am happy to pencil in dates but for much later in the year.

I am planning to post a few videos on YouTube – which is a great source of crafting and other info so do check it out if you are looking for creative inspiration (not necessarily from me!)

This is the link to my channel

Do get in touch if you are stuck at home and have any questions regarding the crafts I teach but most of all keep safe and well and I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

Toni x

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